• "If you can imagine how it feels to have a fluid, light, balanced body – free of pain, stiffness, and chronic stress – at ease with itself and the earth’s gravitational field, then you will understand the goals of Structural Integration."

    - Dr. Ida P. Rolf

  • "Organization in a body is dynamic; it is the way the muscles are used in movement. In order to make a significant difference to a chronic lesion, the man’s whole system has to be taught a new, more balanced organization."

    - Dr. Ida P. Rolf

  • "Many people are able to perform a wide range of activities, yet...score poorly on the FMS. They are using compensatory movement patterns during regular activities which, if reinforced, can lead to poor bio mechanics and potential future injuries."

    - Gray Cook, MSPT
    co-creator of the Functional Movement System

  • "Pain changes everything. It is the signal to a problem, not the underlying problem."

    - Gray Cook, MSPT
    co-creator of the Functional Movement System


The Benefits of Structural Integration

Everybody’s Structural Integration process is their own, but benefits frequently accrue in three main areas:

Clients feel better, finding help with chronic pain, repetitive use injuries, and numerous musculoskeletal disorders.

Clients move better, experiencing a sense of ease, and greater fluidity and efficiency of motion.

Clients live better, enjoying increased energy and breathing capacity; good posture that’s “easy”; and reduced tension and strain in the body.

The Rolf Method concerns itself with the body’s physical dimension. But we are more than just our physical bodies, and clients often find improved mental and emotional well-being accompany the SI process as well.